
I am trying to get equation numbers when knitting my .Rmd to .docx but I haven't found a way to get this or the labels to cross reference them to work. I tried this:

    P(L|C_L, C_R) = \frac {10^{\sum_{n=1}^ {4} (w_{c_{L,i}} - w_{c_{R,i}})}} {1+10^{\sum_{n=1}^ {4} (w_{c_{L,i}} - w_{c_{R,i}})}}

The probability for the left side winning can be calculated using \@ref(eq:left)

Which returns this:

enter image description here

Referencing correctly to the equation but the label for it doesn't show (having a (1) on the left or right of the equation) and instead, it prints out the text in the code.

Does anyone know what am I writing wrong here or if this is even possible to do for .docx files?

Thanks for your help

This does not only seem to happen when knitting to .docx. Knitting to pdf_document I encounter the exact same problem, with the exact same output. Maybe you want to post an issue to the rmarkdown github.o_v

2 Answers


papaja extends bookdown, so the general approach you are trying is correct, but the syntax is a little off. Try the following:

P(L|C_L, C_R) = \frac {10^{\sum_{n=1}^ {4} (w_{c_{L,i}} - w_{c_{R,i}})}} {1+10^{\sum_{n=1}^ {4} (w_{c_{L,i}} - w_{c_{R,i}})}} 

The probability for the left side winning can be calculated using \@ref(eq:left)

Note that equation references are not well supported in Word (i.e., apa6_docx()). See the here for details.


The within-document cross-referencing seems only to work with Bookdown output formats - i.e. word_document2 see here: https://bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown-cookbook/cross-ref.html

You could do use the pdf_document output and use the generic LaTeX reference for equations:

   \begin{equation} \label{eq:left}
        P(L|C_L, C_R) = \frac {10^{\sum_{n=1}^ {4} (w_{c_{L,i}} - w_{c_{R,i}})}} 
        {1+10^{\sum_{n=1}^ {4} (w_{c_{L,i}} - w_{c_{R,i}})}}

with the following to put in the reference:

The probability for the left side winning can be calculated using
equation \ref{eq:left}.

The result will look like this (depending on the number of equations and sections):

The probability for the left side winning can be calculated using equation 1