We are using SAP SDK 3.25.0 and calling a batch request Read query passing some filters. I am getting the response of all the records and it can be seen that the filter is not working properly.
I have referred this blog here but I am getting the same issue of decode URL issue YY1_QuantityContractTracki?$filter=((CustomerName eq %27Ford%27) and (SalesSchedulingAgreement eq %270030000141%27)) and (PurchaseOrderByCustomer eq %27TEST%27)&$select=SalesSchedulingAgreement,PurchaseOrderByCustomer,Customer,CustomerName,SalesSchedulingAgreementItem,Material,MaterialByCustomer&$format=json
Below is the query program which I am using.
Am I missing something here. Please let us know Thanks, Arun Pai
final BatchRequestBuilder builder = BatchRequestBuilder.withService("/sap/opu/odata/sap/YY1_QUANTITYCONTRACTTRACKI_CDS");
for (Contract contract : contracts) {
FilterExpression mainFilter = new FilterExpression("CustomerName", "eq", ODataType.of(contract.getCustomerName()))
.and(new FilterExpression("SalesSchedulingAgreement", "eq", ODataType.of(contract.getSchAgrmntNo())))
.and(new FilterExpression("PurchaseOrderByCustomer", "eq", ODataType.of(contract.getCustRefNo())));
final ODataQuery oDataQuery = ODataQueryBuilder
.select("SalesSchedulingAgreement", "PurchaseOrderByCustomer", "Customer", "CustomerName",
"SalesSchedulingAgreementItem", "Material", "MaterialByCustomer")
final BatchRequest batchRequest = builder.build();
final BatchResult batchResult = batchRequest.execute(httpClient);
I have changed the version to 3.35.0 today with connectivity version 1.40.11 but it did'nt work either. Below is the log request which gets printed in the console
2021-01-15 19:15:03.831 INFO 42640 --- [io-8084-exec-10] c.s.c.s.o.c.impl.BatchRequestImpl : --batch_123 Content-Type: application/http Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
GET YY1_QuantityContractTracki?%24filter%3D%28%28CustomerName+eq+%2527Ford27%29+and+%28SalesSchedulingAgreement+eq+%25270030000141%2527%29%29+and+%28PurchaseOrderByCustomer+eq+%2527TEST%2527%29%26%24select%3DSalesSchedulingAgreement%2CPurchaseOrderByCustomer%2CCustomer%2CCustomerName%2CSalesSchedulingAgreementItem%2CMaterial%2CMaterialByCustomer%26%24format%3Djson HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json;odata=verbose
) and did it return something? If yes, what happens if you add another argument (e.g.SalesSchedulingAgreement
)? – Sandra Rossi%27
, and that succeeds with'
. – Sandra Rossi'
becomes percentage-encoded to%27
and then double encoded to%2527
. This double-encoding is a bug and can not be understood by the OData service. – Alexander Dümont