Working in VB.Net, using the Microsoft.Graph api communicate with sharepoint.
I have a list on a sharepoint site.
Lets say:
List name : ListTestName
Columns: ListColumnTest1, ListColumnTest2, ListColumnTest3
Dim queryFields As List(Of QueryOption) = New List(Of QueryOption) From {New QueryOption("$expand", "fields")}
Dim items As IListItemsCollectionPage = Await GraphClient.Sites(sharepointSessionId).Lists("ListTestName").Items.Request(queryFields).GetAsync()
This is the code I have to grab the list and trying to get all of the fields (columns) but when I look into the Fields in the "Items" variable I do not see any of the fields that I have added to the list. I only see the sharepoint fields such as "title" or "Id"
I really dont understand why this is not working.
Even when I look via the the graph-explorer site ( using:
I do not see my custom columns However if I try and filter directly to one of the columns like this :
This does seem to have returned back my custom field.
Thus I tried adding to the query field {New QueryOption("$expand", "fields(select=ListColumnTest1")} this just crashed when I called the request.
Edit: I asked this question slightly wrong and will be posting a second question that is more to what I need. However, below the question is marked correct because their solution is the correct solution for what I asked. :)