I am currently writing my first full-stack app. I am using bootstrap <b-table>
to display content. On row-click
, I expand the row to display nested data. Is there a way to iterate over the nested data and display it in nested rows within the parent b-table?
Currently, I can display the data, however it displays in a single row.
<div id="report-table" class="report-table">
<b-table striped hover sticky-header="100%"
@row-clicked="reports=>$set(reports, '_showDetails', !reports._showDetails)"
<template slot="row-details" slot-scope="row">
<template v-for="(proc, index) in row.item.Processes">
<b-tr :key=index>
<td>{{ proc.Name }}</td>
<td>{{ proc.Id }}</td>
In the attached image, the bottom row has been clicked. The content is displayed within a single row, but I would like it to be separate rows, so later I can further click on them to display even more nested content.
data example:
{"_id": <id>, "Hostname": <hostname>, "Address": <address>, "Processes": [{"Name": ApplicationHost, ...}, {"Name": svchost, ...}]
If this is not possible, is there some other Bootstrap element that makes more sense to achieve what I want?