
I have installed kubernetes metrics-server https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server It works fine, I can use "kubectl top pods" & "kubectl top nodes", Now I want to scrape the metrics to prometheus outside kubernetes cluster to be shown on Grafana, What I have tried are

  1. Expose the metrics-server service using NodePort but not working, some https issue appear
  2. Install metrics-server-exporter from https://github.com/ghouscht/metrics-server-exporter/ (this one only scrape few metrics, I cannot see it on grafana) and https://github.com/grupozap/metrics-server-exporter/ (this one is not an http application, so I cannot expose as a NodePort Service)

What should I do?

Did you apply the With CA Cert in Grafana during the data source setup?Ryan Siu
I'm just using http for both prometheus and grafanaAditia Rahman

2 Answers


Try these out and let me know.

1.First you should run kube-state-metrics which collects all kubernetes metrics .

2.Using pod annotations on the kube-state-metrics , expose metrics like

prometheus.io/scrape: 'true'
prometheus.io/port: 'port'
prometheus.io/path: '/metrics'
prometheus.io/scheme: 'http'

This should expose your metrics from the pod level . To check this you can exec in to the pod and do a curl request on the port followed by the path

3.Now run a prometheus agent which can scrape metrics from this port and send it to the backend db server

4.Configure prometheus ds in your grafana agent and it should be done


You can use helm to install kube-prometheus-stack.

It will install Node Exporter, kube-state-metrics and prometheus operator along with other dependencies to allow you to monitor your cluster.

You can install it by using:

helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo add stable https://charts.helm.sh/stable
helm repo update
helm install [RELEASE_NAME] prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack

Once it is installed you can visit your grafana URL and configure dashboard.

You can add prometheus as data source [Configuration -> Data Source] in grafana (prometheus URL should be set by default) and import kubernetes dashboard to show you summary metrics about containers running on Kubernetes nodes.