I'm an MQTT newbie, so maybe this is obivous but I'm not getting it.
I've got IoT devices that publish data to a cloud MQTT broker. I can't change that. I want to be able to get the messages from the cloud broker and pass them to IoT Hub in Azure. Here's what I've done so far:
- Configured a VM running CentOS to host my Mosquitto server
- Installed Mosquitto and configured as a bridge to IoT Hub (IoTHubBridge)
- Created a separate Mosquitto config to bridge to the cloud MQTT broker (CloudBridge)
Note that both Mosquitto bridge instances are running on the same VM.
So far, so good. IoT Hub can receive test messages that pass through IoTHubBridge and CloudBridge receives messages from the cloud broker. Here's where I'm stuck - how do I get messages to pass from CloudBridge to IoTHubBridge?