I have written a Perl CGI script which fetches an html page from a site using POST, then does some processing on the html data and prints output html content.
My script url: http://mysite.com/cgi-bin/p.pl
Site URL: http://site.com/interesting.asp
# p.pl
sub post_url {
my( $url, $formref ) = @_;
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(timeout => 300);
my $response = $ua->post($url, $formref );
if( $response->is_success ){
return $response->content;
} else {
return undef;
my $url = 'url: http://site.com/interesting.asp';
my %param = ('eno' => '1234', 'submit' => 'Submit');
my $htmlcontent = post_url( $url, \%param ); # <--- Not working
... do some processing on $htmlcontent ...
... print out html page ...
The script runs fine when run from the command line but fails to fetch the HTML page from the site when run from a Webserver. Is it because the script it trying to access a page from a different domain/IP address? Can anybody suggest a workaround?