I'm trying to plot a seaborn countplot that has very long x-values that are literally sentences. So instead of inserting them under xticks, I thought it might be better to use hue parameter of countplot and put the labels in the legend. But this produces extremely thin bars that are far apart from each other (see example below), when I wanted the bars to be what it would be if I didn't assign anything to the hue parameter. How do I fix this?
df0 = pd.DataFrame({'col':['This is a very long string. So yeah, there you have it, a long, long string.',
'What, you egg? said William Shakespeare.',
'OK, this is now getting out of hand.']})
seaborn.countplot(df0['col'], hue=df0['col'])
plt.legend(loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1))
This code produces
My desired graph: