
Previously, I was able to reset a user's password by using the following steps:

  1. Get an access token with an administrator's credentials and setting the scope to Directory.AccessAsUser.All from https://login.microsoftonline.com/{{tenant_id}}/oauth2/v2.0/token
  2. Pass the new password in a passwordProfile object and hit the https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/{{oid}} using the access token retrieved from the first step.

But now, I cannot find Directory.AccessAsUser.All under Delegated API Permissions. delegated permissions

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How can I change a user's password without it?

Scroll down to the "Directory" entry and click on the arrowHong Ooi
@HongOoi there is nothing such as "Directory" in my view. I updated the question with a few more screenshots.John Smith

2 Answers


When you create the application registration, choose the first option - accounts in this organisational directory. You won’t use this app for B2C user flows, only for your admin AAD account, hence you choose the first option.


Just search "Directory.AccessAsUser.All" for it.

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