I have to make a GET call on IDs stored in a CSV while and I have to retry on GET call till it returns 200 response code. This is what my current structure looks like ..
GET thread group
Once only controller to grab authentication for each thread
While Controller with condition "${__javaScript("${index}"!="<"EOF">")}" to check for end of the CSV file
CSV data config file (Each file is unique for each thread) , variable name is "index", Recycle on EOF - False, Stop thread on EOF - True, sharing mode - current thread
While Controller with condition "${__javaScript(parseInt(vars.get("Response_code"))!=201)}"
User defined variables - Response_code
Http GET request
JSR233 post processor - "vars.put("Response_code",prev.getResponseCode());"
JSR223 post-processor - To write ID returned in successful call to another CSV file
Now I am not getting error or anything .. but I was expecting first while controller to loop through CSV file for each id, then make a GET request for each id and then second while loop would wait for success code but for some reason, GET call is only executing for the first entry in the csv and then exit out of it. What am I missing here?