I have VPC peering to connect to a lambda in one aws account to a RDS instance in another aws account. This works fine but required the VPC peering to have DNS resolution option enabled.
By default DNS resolution is set to : DNS resolution from accepter VPC to private IP :Disabled.
This can be done via the AWS console and the CLI. I am not able to achieve the same using AWS CDK.
The CfnVPCPeeringConnection does not seem to have this option. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/api/latest/docs/@aws-cdk_aws-ec2.CfnVPCPeeringConnection.html
Is there any other way of achieving this via CDK ?
const cfnVPCPeeringConnection :CfnVPCPeeringConnection =
new CfnVPCPeeringConnection(
peerVpcId : "<vpcId of acceptor account>",
vpcId : "<reference of the Id>",
peerOwnerId : "<aws acc number>",
peerRegion : "<region>",
peerRoleArn :"<arn created in the acceptor account>"",
//update route tables
rdsConnectorVpc.isolatedSubnets.forEach(({ routeTable: { routeTableId } }, index) => {
new CfnRoute(this.parentStack, 'PrivateSubnetPeeringConnectionRoute' + index, {
destinationCidrBlock: '<CIDR>',
vpcPeeringConnectionId: cfnVPCPeeringConnection.ref,