
We recently migrated from TFS 2013 to Azure Devops 2019 ( on premises ) We have two servers , TFS server is running Azure DevOps 2019 and build controller is running on TFS 2010 As a result , Older XAML build are working fine.

We recently upgraded .net framework on app servers to 4.8 from earlier v 4.5

We want to use latest C# features , but not able to build those on build server.

For this , We want to use tfvctemplate.12.xaml build template which has support for C#-6 language features.

But after changing default.xaml build template to above build tfvctemplate.12.xaml template , and after queuing the builds getting below error.

TF900558: This build process template cannot be run on build server Default Controller - TFSBUILDSVR3. Upgrade this build server to a newer version.

We installed Azure Devops 2019 on build controller but could not configure build controller like we did it for TFS 2010.

Any help is appreciated !

XAML build has been deprecated for years. The replacement for XAML is already well on its way to being phased out. If you're using stock XAML build process templates, the out-of-the-box templates for the JSON ("classic") build and YAML build cover the same ground. It's time to consider updating to something modern.Daniel Mann
Hi there, not get your latest news. Is there any updates for this issue? Please feel free to let me know whether my comments can help you~Jane Ma-MSFT
thanks , it helped us to decide on the next stepssagar
@sagar Glad to hear that my answer can help you solve the issue~ You can accept it as an answer so that people with similar questions can benefit from it.Jane Ma-MSFT

1 Answers


XAML builds are deprecated for TFS 2018 and later versions. If you want to use TFS2019, you need to migrate to the new builds.

This document details the process of deprecating the old build and becoming familiar with the new builds.