Currently I've got my own LoRaWAN network, with around 45 devices sending data with this payload: ID=D0001&T=23&H=60 where ID is the sensorId; T-Temperature; H - Humidity.
What steps do I have to make next to get context from my devices?
These are the steps that I've made:
1 - Installed IoT-Agent Ultralight
2 - Configured MQTT on the config.js file with my MQTT data
config.mqtt = {
host: 'HOST_NAME',
port: 1883,
protocol : mqtt
username: 'USERNAME',
password: 'PASSWORD',
retain: false,
retries: 5,
retryTime: 5,
keepalive: 0,
avoidLeadingSlash: false
3 - IoTAgent-ul (node bin/iot-agentul), getting this message: time=2020-12-01T10:44:48.197Z | lvl=INFO | corr=526cdc56-62b8-4791-b95d-f5110ca18b7e | trans=526cdc56-62b8-4791-b95d-f5110ca18b7e | op=IOTAUL.MQTT.Binding | from=n/a | srv=n/a | subsrv=n/a | msg=connected | comp=IoTAgent