
I'm using Julia's JuMP solver to try to find an optimal path.

My problem is that the objective function is a sum of the elements of a matrix whose indices are variables from my optimization problem.

nb_dem, nb_prod, nb_mag, nb_noeuds, S, Q, R = read_data_24(inputfilepath, inputfilename)
@variable(model, produits[1:nb_mag,1:nb_prod,1:nb_dem] >= 0, Int)
@variable(model, chemins[1:nb_noeuds+1, 1:nb_mag], Int)
@variable(model, binaires[1:nb_mag,1:nb_dem], Bin)

# define objective function
@objective(model, Min, sum(sum(R[chemins[k,i],chemins[k+1,i]] for k in 1:nb_noeuds) for i in 1:nb_mag))

I've added some constraint but when I try to run, I get an error message telling me that I cannot use VariablesRef as indices.

ArgumentError: invalid index: chemins[1,1] of type VariableRef

Is there anyway of converting VariablesRef into useable index?

It would be nice if you could edit your question to contain only the lines that are problem specific so this is usable for others.Przemyslaw Szufel

1 Answers


You need to create a binary vector to represent the indices and than multiply by it, for an example:

x = [2,5,7]
@variable(m, x_indices[1:length(x)])
@variable(m, y)
@constraint(m, y >= sum(x .* x_indices))
@constraint(m, sum(x_indices) == 1)