I am trying to write a predicate in Prolog that will use my predicate 'PAR', which tests whether a 4 digit number meets certain conditions, but return a list of all numbers which are PARs, i.e. all numbers which return true when passed into par.
pars(A, C)
:- A =< 9999,
par(A) -> append(C, A, C),
A1 is A+1,
pars(A1, C).
This is my current code, with A initially passed in as 1000 (the smallest 4 digit number), but it will only return false when the first number is tried, or timeout if the first number is a PAR.
I also want the predicate to take only one argument, e.g. pars(X) where X is then the list of PARs.
:- number_chars(A, [W,X,Y,Z]),
atom_number(W, W1),
atom_number(X, X1),
atom_number(Y, Y1),
atom_number(Z, Z1),
B1 is W1 * 10 + X1,
B2 is Y1 * 10 + Z1,
0 is mod(B1,B2).
Here is my par predicate for reference, I know this is also probably very inefficient.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.