I have a piece of code that returns the angle between two vectors in the range of [0,360]. For this I used this question: Direct way of computing clockwise angle between 2 vectors. Now I need to create a function that takes a vector and an angle as input and returns a vector, that has the specified angle with the inputvector. The length of this vector doesn't matter. For this, I need to know how to reverse the effect of Atan2. The rest is pretty simple math.
internal virtual double AngleWith(Vector2 direction, Vector2 location)
Vector2 normDir = Vector2.Normalize(direction);
Vector2 normLoc = Vector2.Normalize(location);
double dot = (normDir.X * normLoc.X) + (normDir.Y * normLoc.Y);
double det = (normDir.X * normLoc.Y) - (normDir.Y * normLoc.X);
return Math.Atan2(-det, -dot) * (180 / Math.PI) + 180;
Any help is appreciated.