
I am getting this error after hosted it on server on network tab i am currently using laravel 7.6.

message: "Target class [App\Http\Controllers\paymentController] does not exist.",…} exception: "Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException" file: "/home4/helthr4e/public_html/trainer.helthofit.com/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php" line: 807

show your controller and where you are getting this errormilad hedayatpoor
Probably a typo in routes/web.php or in the controller class.tirta keniten
i think here is the problem .host in sensitive to uppercase and lowercase and you wrote paymentController change it to PaymentController and test it againmilad hedayatpoor
i think problem in the Controller name or namespace please recheck themMustafa Goda
Route::get('/home/subscribe/{amount}', 'HomeController@subscribePlan'); Route::post('/paysuccess', 'paymentController@paysuccess');Shubham Mhadgut

1 Answers


i think here is the problem:

1- your namespaces are not correct - check them again

2- host and server are sensitive to uppercase and lowercase and you wrote paymentController

change it to PaymentController and test it again

added: change your route to : Route::post('/paysuccess', 'PaymentController@paysuccess')