
I add my folder "font" on my assets, then i link my typo on Xcode (copy bundle and build phases of my project)

I create a js page and i add :

module.exports = {
  assets: ['./assets/font'],

i do npx react native link but when i lunch my project i have the error "unrecognized font family Ambit-Black"

enter image description here Did i missed something ?

Could you please use the font name instead of the of file name fontFamily: 'Ambit'?DAVID _

1 Answers


I usually use the next pattern:

  • for iOS fontWeight+fontFamily
  • but for Android fontFamily is a filename of font
export const fonts = {
  semibold: Platform.select({
    ios: { fontWeight: '600', fontFamily: 'Graphik LC' },
    android: { fontFamily: 'Graphik LC_semibold' },
  bold: Platform.select({
    ios: { fontWeight: '700', fontFamily: 'Graphik LC' },
    android: { fontFamily: 'Graphik LC_bold' },
  normal: Platform.select({
    ios: { fontWeight: '400', fontFamily: 'Graphik LC' },
    android: { fontFamily: 'Graphik LC' },

<Text style={styles.text}>Test<Text/>


const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  text: {
    fontSize: 14,


├── Graphik LC_bold.otf
├── Graphik LC.otf
└── Graphik LC_semibold.otf