
I'm a newbie, trying to install the Drag and Drop Component Suite into the Delphi Community Edition. Here's what I did:

  1. I cloned the repository.
  2. As instructed, in the Packages folder, I found the design time package for Delphi 10.3, opened it in Delphi, compiled and then installed the resulting file.

The new components show up on my component palette. I can drop them onto another project. However, if I compile the project I get a message saying the DragDrop unit's not found.The author's directions for installing the unit include "Locate the Library sub-folder that matches your version of Delphi. Add it to the Delphi library search path."

This is clearly the issue and also the part of the process I don't know how to do, it would seem. In addition, after compiling and installing the Drag and Drop Component Suite, when I look in the component's source folder the Library sub-folder (which was part of the original repository) is empty. (Did I compile the source correctly? Should there be files created in the Library folder after compiling?)

The community edition is 10.3, not 10.4Renate Schaaf
@Renate Good catch; thank you. I edited my text to say 10.3.Al C
@TomBrunberg I edited the text to be less redundant; thank you. I think I was caught up in trying to be specific because, looking on my own, it seems procedures for adding files to Delphi search paths differ (significantly?) for older and newer versions.Al C
No, not really, it's almost the same procedure for every version. In newer versions (that is about since XE2 or so) you have to choose the compiler target (32/64 Bit Windows, Android etc.) for which you want to add a path.Delphi Coder

1 Answers


Locate the folder "Source" and add the complete path to Delphi library path.

You'll find Delphi Library path using: Menu /Tools / Options / Language / Delphi / Library / Library Path Click on the 3 dots on the right to manage the list.