
A bit of a background that leads to the question I have.

I am learning Yesod, and I am reading the Yesod book. In the Basics section of the book, the instructions on how to get a basic Yesod application was given. The instructions basically says put this in a file:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
import           Yesod

data HelloWorld = HelloWorld

mkYesod "HelloWorld" [parseRoutes|
/ HomeR GET

instance Yesod HelloWorld

getHomeR :: Handler Html
getHomeR = defaultLayout [whamlet|Hello World!|]

main :: IO ()
main = warp 3000 HelloWorld

and run it with runhaskell helloworld.hs or stack runghc helloworld.hs. I did exactly this and that did not work. I get an error about yesod cannot be found. Apparently there is step I should have ran prior to this, which is not mentioned in the basic section. I found that step in the quickstart guide here https://www.yesodweb.com/page/quickstart

And the instruction in there basically says

  • install stack
  • Create a new scaffolded site: stack new my-project yesodweb/sqlite && cd my-project
  • Install the yesod command line tool: stack install yesod-bin --install-ghc
  • Build libraries: stack build
  • Launch devel server: stack exec -- yesod devel
  • View your Yesod site at http://localhost:3000/

I followed all of this and it seems to work, but now back to running the helloworld.hs file in the basic section. I understand above that the command stack install yesod-bin --install-ghc installs a yesod. So I thought that would fix the problem of Yesod not found. I went back to the directory where I had the helloworld.hs file and ran stack runghc helloworld.hs but that did not work.

It only worked when I moved helloworld.hs into the my-project project I created when I followed the quickstart guide. So my question now is, what exactly does the command stack runghc helloworld.hs and why is it that the command only works when I have the helloworld.hs file in a stack project?


1 Answers


Think of stack projects like node packages or python virtualenvs: they have their own dependencies that are separate from whatever you installed on your system. runhaskell (which does not go through stack) will use your global dependencies, but you didn't have yesod installed globally so it complained that it wasn't found. If you stack install yesod-bin inside a stack project, it will install it for that stack project only, so you can only use the dependencies if you're inside that project. For global installations, consider using cabal (note that cabal is horrific at package management and will error out on half the packages you try to install, so it's better to just stick with stack).