I have a model class on which I have an "overriden" ModelClass::create method in order to set some fields programmatically, however for some reason when I provide a modified array it just returns the db error "Field 'column_name' doesn't have a default value.
Following this SO answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/19404253/3168237
I set the user class to the following:
public static function create(array $attributes = [])
$attributes['username'] = SomeOtherStaticClass::generaterName ();
$attributes['column1'] = SomeOtherStaticClass::generateValue ();
$attributes['column2'] = $attributes['username'];
$model = static::query()->create($attributes);
return $model;
all 3 fields are in the $fillable array
And it works great. I can just run User::create()
However, I have this other model class: with its overriden create method.
public static function create(array $attributes = [])
$attributes = array_merge(['computed_element' => 1 + 1], $attributes);
$model = static::query()->create($attributes);
return $model;
Unlike the User model, when I call OtherModel::create(['fillableColA', 'fillableColB])
I get the error "Field 'computed_element' doesn't have a default value". Then listing the SQL Query acknowledging 'fillableColumnA' and 'fillableColumnB' but still saying as if no 'computed_element' provided.
The fillable property of the model is protected $fillable = ['fillableColA', 'fillableColB'];
(The computed_element not included).
And even though, true, migration does not have a default value for the 'computed_element' row. Neither does the UserModel class.
Why is this going on? My only guess being it's the change of the $attributes
array, but again, it's just an array, isn't it?