
In my site I have created a group called My Members and I assigned Contribute permission to it. I deleted all others SharePoint default groups. I have included Everyone in this group.

Workflow Tasks list is inheriting from top level site so it also includes this My Members group.

I have created a custom SharePoint 2013 workflow in SPD. It is supposed to run when user creates new item in a custom list but problem is when a user creates new item in this list, no record is being inserted in Workflow Tasks list so workflow doesn't run.

Even if I assign Design or Approve or Full Control permission, it doesn't work i.e. when user creates a new item in list, workflow is not started because no record is inserted in Workflow Tasks list. Although in that custom list, item is successfully created.

Unless I give this My Members group Site Collection Administrator permission, user is unable to create new entry in Workflow Tasks

By the way once item has been created in the custom list, I am assigning unique permission on that item by removing all permission and just giving Read permission to the user who created this item, and Contribute permission to user to whom task is assigned. May be this is what is causing the issue!?

How to fix this?


1 Answers


Open SPD, click workflows from left menu and click your workflow. There is a settings area. Check your task list. Make sure that it is "Workflow Tasks" or not.

Also do not add item with farm admin. Try with normal user.