I have Azure function annotations defined as below. Blob trigger reads data from Storage account processes and uses return value to write Output to a Blob container with "filename".json defined in the binding.
This is working as expected; however, when writing the data to a blob container. Output binding is checking for the existence of Blob with "GET" request and ultimately getting into 404 response code before making a "PUT" request. This was captured in Application Insights.
Is there any way I can override this behavior? Screen shot of Log analytics here
public class ProcessZipFiles2Cosmos {
@BlobOutput(name = "blob_redacted_json", path = "nonpii/{filename}.json")
public static String run(
@BlobTrigger(name = "files", dataType = "binary", path = "transactedreturn/{name}", connection = "blobStorageAccount") byte[] content,
@BindingName("name") String filename,
@CosmosDBOutput(name = "cosmos_transacted", databaseName = "tax-return-data-ops", collectionName = "TransactedReturns",
connectionStringSetting = "AzureCosmosDBConnection") OutputBinding<String> cosmosItem,
final ExecutionContext context) {
// function body