I would like PutItem to succeed only if the GSI partition key for the new item already exists on another item.
Suppose my table has these items (omitting some attributes):
1 a b
2 c d
And I am attempting to put this item:
PK: 3,
GSI1PK: "e",
GSI1SK: "f"
I want this PutItem request to fail, since the table does not yet contain an item with GSI1PK == "e".
I'd like to solve this with a condition expression if possible. I would not like to solve this by querying the table before the PutItem request.
Here is how I have attempted this with an example (go sdk) that I would like to succeed:
input := &dynamodb.PutItemInput{
Item: map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue{
"PK": intAttrVal(3),
"GSI1PK": stringAttrVal("a"),
"GSI1SK": stringAttrVal("f"),
ConditionExpression: stringRef("attribute_exists(GSI1PK)"),
TableName: &tableName,
But and exception is thrown: "ConditionalCheckFailedException: The conditional request failed".