I am trying to create a simple Jupyter notebook in Google Cloud Platform with GPU:
- Name: PyTorch
- Region: us-west1 (Oregon)
- Zone: us-west1-b
- Operating System" Debain 9
- Environment: PyTorch 1.4 (with Intel (R) MKL-DNN/MKL)
- Machine type: n1-standard-4 (4vCPUs, 15GB RAM)
- GPU type: NVIDIA Tesla K80
- Number of GPUs: 1
- Install NVIDIA GPU driver automatically for me
- Boot disk type: Standard Persistent Disk
- Boot disk size in GB: 100
- Data disk type: Standard Persistent Disk
- Data disk size in GB: 100
- Google-managed-key
- Network: default
- Subnetwork: default
- External IP (Automatic)
- Access to JupyterLab (Service account)
- Use Compute Engine default service account
After I press "Create" it returns to a list of instances. It shows loading and after I refresh disappears. When I create a Jupiter notebook without GPU it succeeds. My guess is that I need to request a GPU quota. For this, I go to Quotas page and see that Compute Engine API for NVIDIA K80 GPUs is "1 of 24 quotas are reaching limit". When I press all quotes, I see that Current Usage is 0 for everyone 7-day peak usage is 1 fo for us-west1 and Limit is 1. I can not select any checkbox.
How can I resolve this problem? Thank you!