I am trying to create a new paragraph component after "my account" dropdown after login. I tried to create a component after ng-reflect-position="SiteLogin" in b2b features.
Currently using Spartcus3.0.0-next.3. Where found there is syntax change in between 2.0 to 3.0.
Steps Created are: Created a angular component and its module was imported in app.module.ts
Imported import { OutletRefModule} from '@spartacus/storefront'; in New component module
Imported newly created component in app.component.html
Component code is
<ng-template [cxOutletRef]="SiteLogin" cxOutletPos="before" let-model>
Hi This new component
I couldn't see newly Imported paragraph component after SiteLogin component. In Same way in 2.0 able to get the component with cxOutletRef="testComponent" but in 3.0 there is no component shown.
Am I missing any code? Can anyone please help how to get component in 3.0
Thanks in Advance.