
Last week, Matlab crashed on my computer and gave a message regarding the figure driver or engine being changed (unfortunately, I do not remember exactly what it said). Ever since then, all of my figures have been extremely laggy and have appeared to have a lower resolution.

Has anyone run into this or have any troubleshooting advice?

what is the output of rendererinfo(gca)? if it uses opengl software, try typing opengl hardware to use opengl hardware rendering againrinkert
Yes, it is using OpenGL Software. However, when I try that opengl command, I get the following error: Error using opengl Changing the OpenGL implementation at the command line is not supported. Instead, specify the implementation when starting MATLAB.Tony

1 Answers


I was able to solve this by creating a startup.m file in my MATLAB directory (located in Documents in my case). This file is called every time MATLAB is initialized. In this file I typed: opengl('save','hardware'). After staring MATLAB once with this startup.m file, I was able to delete this line of code from that file (this command changes opengl permanently, unless it is manually changed back).

Alternatively, I could have typed opengl hardware into the startup.m file. In this case this line of code would need to be left in the startup file.