I am trying to understand the placement of the vector table for Cortex-M3 processor.
According to the Cortex-M3 arch ref manual, the reset behavior is like this (some parts are omitted):
So, we can see that the vectortable
comes from the VTOR
(Vector Table Offset Register).
According to the Cortex-M3 tech ref manual, the VTOR
is defined as:
So we can see, it has a reset value of 0x0
. So based on the above 2 criteria, the Cortex-M3 processor expects a vector table at the absolute address 0x0 in the Code area after reset.
But in my MDK uVision IDE, I see my application is placed in the IROM1
area, which starts at 0x8000000
, which is within the 0.5G Code
memory area according to the Cortex-M3 memory map.
And since it has the Starup
button checked, I guess that means the IROM1
area should contain the vector table (please correct me if I am wrong about this).
So I think the vector table should lie at the beginning of IROM1
area, i.e. 0x8000000
. And it is indeed so. Below pic shows that at the beginning of IROM1
, it is the vector table's 1st entry, the SP value.
And what's more strange, the VTOR
register (at 0xE000ED08
) still holds a 0x0
So, how could my vector table be found with a 0x0
VTOR reset value?
And just out of curiosity, I checked the memory content at 0x0
, there contains exactly the same vector table content as IROM1
. So who did this magic copy??
ADD 1 - 4:39 PM 10/9/2020
I guess there must be something I don't know about the startup
check box in below pic.
ADD 2 - 5:09 PM 10/9/2020
Thanks to @RealtimeRik and @domen. I downloaded the datasheet for STM32F103x8_xB(https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/stm32f103c8.pdf). In section 4 Memory mapping, I saw below diagram:
So it seems the [0x0, 0x8000000) range does get aliased to somewhere else. But I haven't found how to determine where it is aliased to...
ADD 3 - 5:39 PM 10/9/2020
Now I found it!
I downloaded the STM32Fxxx fef manual (btw it's really huge).
In section 3.4 Boot configuration, it specifies the boot mode configured through the BOOT[1:0]
And with different boot mode, different address aliasing is used:
Depending on the selected boot mode, main Flash memory, system memory or SRAM is accessible as follows:
- Boot from main Flash memory: the main Flash memory is aliased in the boot memory space (0x0000 0000), but still accessible from its original memory space (0x800 0000). In other words, the Flash memory contents can be accessed starting from address 0x0000 0000 or 0x800 0000.
- Boot from system memory: the system memory is aliased in the boot memory space (0x0000 0000), but still accessible from its original memory space (0x1FFF B000 in connectivity line devices, 0x1FFF F000 in other devices).
- Boot from the embedded SRAM: SRAM is accessible only at address 0x2000 0000.
What I saw is Boot from main Flash memory.
Well finally I can explain why 0x800 0000
is chosen...
ADD 4 - 3:19 PM 10/15/2020
The placement/expectation of the interrupt vector table at the address 0 is similar to the IA32 processor in real mode...