
I am uploading some Excel files into Azure blob storage(Data Lake Storage Gen2 enabled) manually. After uploading the file, I can see the uploaded status in the notification window, But I could not see that file in the corresponding folder. Tried with the different files, but the same issue. It was working fine till morning today. File size: ~150Kb

Any idea?

what's the region of your storage account?Ivan Yang
West US, East USKathir Subramaniam

1 Answers


I believe there're some changes in progress for azure portal -> blob storage and Gen2.

Last week, I had the same issue. But now it's completely ok for me. And currently, this issue is still there for some of my colleagues.

As a workaround, when uploading the file, you can specify the path by expanding the Advanced -> then specify the path in "upload to folder":

enter image description here