I have an issue with text elide in Qt being too aggressive in a table, see picture.
The cell with the full figure 0.8888.... I've edited since the QTableWidget was shown, the others are are as the were when the QTableWidget was created. It seems like the elide is calculated on a lesser width that is actually the case. How can I prevent this and get proper text elide immediately when the widget becomes visible?
Simplifide code to reproduce:
QTableWidget *tableWidget;
tableWidget = new QTableWidget(Dialog);
tableWidget->setGeometry(QRect(40, 20, 256, 192));
tableWidget->setItem(0, 0, new QTableWidgetItem("0.234823489789234"));
and result
Note that I would like to avoid doing the elide myself since the user can edit the value. Doing the elide myself would then mean putting back the real value when editing starts, perhaps via delegates. Would be complicated.