I make comparisons of the dates in my data (saved as "due dates" in my data table, as date data type ,without time) with current_date in many pages in my oracle apex application. For example I have one page where I show the "items due for today" in an interactive report by checking the due date of records for their equivalence with current_date, and similarly another page shows the items post due date. The SQL queries generate correct reports but the problem is that current date is calculated as per US (PDT/UCT7) time which is -9 hrs behind from my current region's time, therefore my pages show correct result on afternoon only.
I researched and discovered that setting the application timezone to automatic in application's globalization properties will solve this problem but when I do set the automatic timezone, my application stops working at all and . A "Set time zone" page shows for microsecond but without even letting the user set timezone, page redirects and shows the below error.
Any suggestion to fix this really serious issue will be highly appreciated :(