I implemented a spark job to read stream from a kafka topic with foreachbatch in the structured streaming.
val df = spark.readStream
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "mykafka.broker.io:6667")
.option("subscribe", "test-topic")
.option("kafka.security.protocol", "SASL_SSL")
.option("kafka.ssl.truststore.location", "/home/hadoop/cacerts")
.option("kafka.ssl.truststore.password", tspass)
.option("kafka.ssl.truststore.type", "JKS")
.option("kafka.sasl.kerberos.service.name", "kafka")
.option("kafka.sasl.mechanism", "GSSAPI")
val streamservice = df.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)")
.select(from_json(col("value"), schema).as("data"))
var stream_df = streamservice
.selectExpr("cast(id as string) id", "cast(x as int) x")
val monitoring_stream = stream_df.writeStream
.trigger(Trigger.ProcessingTime("120 seconds"))
.foreachBatch { (batchDF: DataFrame, batchId: Long) =>
if(!batchDF.isEmpty) { }
I have the following questions.
If kafka topic does not have data for a long time, will stream_df.writeStream be terminated automatically? Are there some timeout control on this?
If kafka topic is deleted from kafka broker, will stream_df.writeStream be terminated?
I hope that the spark job keep on monitoring on the kafka topic without termination in the above two cases. Do I need some special settings for kafka connector and/or stream_df.writerstream?