I have a model where it contains field, title, and order index. I would like to load the columns based on the order index in the kendo grid (not in the sequence of the array). Data and fields are added dynamically.
fields: [{field:"ProductName", Title: "Product Name", orderIndex: 0}, {field:"Amount", Title: "Amount", orderIndex: 1}]
Data: [{ "ProductName":"Laptop-1", "Amount": 1000 }, { "ProductName":"Laptop-2", "Amount": 1500 }]
Using <kendo-grid-column *ngFor="let column of columns" [field]="column.field" [title]="column.title"> and (columnReorder)="columnReorder($event)"
I have tried the columnReorder event but not working as expected. Is there any way to show columns based on orderIdex?