
I want to get Online meeting list.

I tried https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups/eadf9340-f10b-4ea9-aaea-1ec45bc645dc/events It returns online meeting list, But It not return 'Meet Now' List.

I also Read this api https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/onlinemeeting-get?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http

But I don't now how to get 'VideoTeleconferenceId'.

How can I get Online meet list 'Meet Now' ?


1 Answers


There is no API to get a list of all the onlineMeetings.

It is the responsibility of the calling application to store the ID of a online meeting at the time that onlineMeeting is created.

the VideoTeleconferenceId is for use by VTC applications that have their own VTC ID, and specify this when creating a new OnlineMeeting, and then can retrieve the meeting using that same VTC-ID

I suggest you check Events with an OnlineMeeting, as they can be listed.