
I am trying to read ADLS files in a directory, read the content of the file, do some processing and store the file in adls but the destination file name will depend on one of the column values of input file.

To start with, this is my flow: enter image description here

Inside Metadata:

enter image description here

Inside Foreach:

enter image description here

I am triggering a Mapping Data Flow inside ForEach activity:

enter image description here

My Mapping data flow inside ForEach :

enter image description here

Source settings of Mapping data flow:

enter image description here enter image description here

Inside Metadata container dataset :

enter image description here

Filename is not getting resolved. I am getting the error message :

enter image description here

I am not sure if I am missing anything. Can any help. Thanks.

Note: I have referred this post too. Thanks Azure ADF V2 ForEach File CopyData from Blob Storage to SQL Table


2 Answers


I got the answer. I gave the full path in wildcard as below:

enter image description here


Yes, you are absolutely right. Add to yours answer. Have you set the value of sink File Name text field. So that it will create the same file in the target file folder. enter image description here

It's value was set previous in the Foreach activity: enter image description here

What's yours Data preview looks like? enter image description here