

Hello Experts, I'm unsure why this error (pictured) is appearing. As far as I know, SmartTable should be able to take care of everything to do with variant management, right? In my controller, I dont have any code pertaining to variant management.

Here is the below code for my smartTable:

<smartTable:SmartTable id="smartTable" entitySet="Z9NRS_REQUESTSet" tableType="ResponsiveTable"
    useExportToExcel="true" beforeExport="onBeforeExport" demandPopin="true" useVariantManagement="true" useTablePersonalisation="true" 
    header="Manage Requests" showRowCount="true" persistencyKey="SmartTableAnalytical_Explored" enableAutoBinding="true"
            <!--<Button icon="sap-icon://settings" type="Accept" />-->
    <Table mode="SingleSelectMaster" selectionChange="onPress" inset="false" >
                <Text text="Status"/>
                    <!--p13nData is a keyword that links smartTable to this and let it identify this custom column-->
                    <core:CustomData key="p13nData" value='\{"columnKey":"ZSTATUS_DESC",
                    "leadingProperty":"ZSTATUS_DESC", "sortProperty":"ZSTATUS_DESC",
                    "filterProperty":"ZSTATUS_DESC", "columnIndex":7}' />
            <ColumnListItem >
                <!--<ObjectStatus text="{ZSTATUS_DESC}" />-->
                <ObjectStatus text="{ZSTATUS_DESC}" state="{path:'ZOVERALL_STATUS', formatter:'.formatter.DrawingStatus'}" />
    <!-- layout data used to make the table growing but the filter bar fixed -->
        <FlexItemData growFactor="1" baseSize="0%"/>


Is the persistency key correct and LREP is available there? What's in your console?Jorg
Is there a certain value my persistencyKey should be? I don't know what LREP is. In my console there is an error saying: Connector (LrepConnector) failed call 'loadFeatures': Error. Application startup continues without data from this storage.Eldwin
Lrep is the system that stores those smart preferences. It’s the name of the icf node (I think) and the service giving an error. The key is a unique identifier, but it can be anything. I would change it to something else than what you have nowJorg
Is the persistencyKey value set by someone in the backend or can any random value work? I tried a random value 'key1' as the value to persistencyKey but error mentioned in last comment still shows. When I try to save a variant, console gives me: "_save failed". I really don't see what could go wrong in my XML code...that could be the only place of error, right?Eldwin

1 Answers


When I deployed and tested variant management it worked. But in FLPSandbox it wasn't working, so I guess it had to do with the app's access to some backend system(?)