Hi Need help to refer a range to a cell value (which has the range).
QUESTION: How to refer the range to a cell in J84 for B86:B146 and cell J85 for D:I using INDIRECT?
Here's my current formula:
ARRAYFORMULA(IFNA(IF(VLOOKUP(B86:B146, Sheet1!D:I, 6, 0)="-", "-", TEXT(TIME(
IFNA(REGEXEXTRACT(VLOOKUP(B86:B146, Sheet1!D:I, 6, 0), "(\d+)h")),
IFNA(REGEXEXTRACT(VLOOKUP(B86:B146, Sheet1!D:I, 6, 0), "(\d+)m")),
IFNA(REGEXEXTRACT(VLOOKUP(B86:B146, Sheet1!D:I, 6, 0), "(\d+)s"))), "[hh]:mm:ss"))))}
Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c3HdMq4PA50pYr88JqPoG51jvru8ipp8ebe4z5DczTQ/edit?usp=sharing