I am a fairly intelligent person, but when I see a certain kind of math I might as well be a gigantic moron. I could really use some help here.
I have been researching a ton of things as I learn iOS game development and I came across a formula while doing some searches. Here is the formula:
x(t) = x(0) + v(0)*t + .5 (F/m) * t^2
Also stated was solving for x and y:
Fx = (x(t) - x(0) - vx(0)*t) * 2m/t^2
Fy = (y(t) - y(0) - vy(0)*t) * 2m/t^2
Source: Box2D.org forums
Now for my actual question, what does that mean? Keep in mind that in this situation I am an idiot. It would be great if someone could explain the variables in simple terms and how they relate to box2d. How would I apply this formula? Here is an example of my code (firing projectiles):
- (void)spawnProjectile:(CGPoint)from direction:(CGPoint)direction inParent:(CCNode*)parentNode
double curTime = CACurrentMediaTime();
double timeTillShotDies = curTime + SHOT_TYPE1_EXIST_TIME;
b2Body *shotBody = projectileBodyTracker[nextShot];
b2Vec2 moveToPosition = b2Vec2(from.x/PTM_RATIO, from.y/PTM_RATIO);
shotBody->SetTransform(moveToPosition, 0.0);
CCSprite *shot = [projectiles objectAtIndex:nextShot];
shot.position = ccp(from.x/PTM_RATIO, from.y/PTM_RATIO);
shot.visible = YES;
[projectilesTracker replaceObjectAtIndex:nextShot withObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:timeTillShotDies]];
CCParticleSystemQuad *particle = [projectileParticleTracker objectAtIndex:nextShot];
[particle resetSystem];
if(nextShot >= projectiles.count) nextShot = 0;
// dx2 and dy2 are analog stick values (see below code)
b2Vec2 force = b2Vec2(dx2, dy2);
[AudioController playLaserShot];
In this particular chunk of code I am firing from the player at the angle the analog is at. I also would need to use the formula to fire from the enemy to the player. This is a top down space shooter.
So to summarize, how do I solve constant force over time for x and y, in terms of box2d code?
Extra info:
dx2 = (float)joypadBG2.position.x - (float)convertedPoint.x;
dy2 = (float)joypadBG2.position.y - (float)convertedPoint.y;
All objects are preloaded and kept that way. Bodies are set inactive and sprites set invisible. Particle systems are stopped. The opposite is true for using a projectile again.
Thank you very much for any help you may be able to provide. I hope I haven't forgotten anything.