
How to Add new Files and Folders to Azure Git Repository with Azure DevOps REST API?

I want to add some static files to my repository using Azure DevOps REST APIs.


Is there any option available via REST API?.

or anyother automated way available, either CICD or through c#?


1 Answers


I found the answer, we can use the Git Push REST API uri


Follow below steps in your C# code

  1. call GetRef REST https://dev.azure.com/{0}/{1}/_apis/git/repositories/{2}/refs{3} this should return the object of your repository branch which you can use to push your changes

  2. Next, call Push REST API to create folder or file into your repository https://dev.azure.com/{0}/{1}/_apis/git/repositories/{2}/pushes{3}

               var changes = new List<ChangeToAdd>();
                //Add Files
                var jsonContent = File.ReadAllText(@"./static-files/somejsonfile.json");
                ChangeToAdd changeJson = new ChangeToAdd()
                    changeType = "add",
                    item = new ItemBase() { path = string.Concat(path, "/[your-folder-name]/somejsonfile.json") },
                    newContent = new Newcontent()
                        contentType = "rawtext",
                        content = jsonContent
                CommitToAdd commit = new CommitToAdd();
                commit.comment = "commit from code";
                commit.changes = changes.ToArray();
                var content = new List<CommitToAdd>() { commit };
                var request = new
                    refUpdates = refs,
                    commits = content
         var personalaccesstoken = _configuration["azure-devOps-configuration-token"];
        var authorization = Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(string.Format("{0}:{1}", "", personalaccesstoken)));
        _logger.LogInformation($"[HTTP REQUEST] make a http call with uri: {uri} ");
         //here I making http client call 
         // https://dev.azure.com/{orgnizationName}/{projectName}/_apis/git/repositories/{repositoryId}/pushes{?api-version}
        var result = _httpClient.SendHttpWebRequest(uri, method, data, authorization);