Using VS2019 Version 16.6.5 Razor Page Model. Core 3.1
if (Model.Mode != enAccessMode.Read)
$("#mTable tbody tr div").removeClass("TrError").
var errs = JSAns.CollectData();
if (errs !== null) {
for (var i = 0; i < errs.length; i++) { // Razor doesn't likes the < here!!!!!
var err = errs[i];
var e = $("#mQ_" + err.ErrQID);
e.attr("data-title", err.ErrMsg);
$("#mQ_" + errs[0].ErrQID)[0].scrollIntoView();
The compiler doen't like the < symbol at line 9. It gives the error below during compilation. using the < doesn't help at all, since it is a javascript code, not a text string.
End of file or an unexpected character was reached before the "" tag could be parsed. Elements inside markup blocks must be complete. They must either be self-closing ("<br />") or have matching end tags ("<p>Hello</p>"). If you intended to display a "<" character, use the "<" HTML entity.