You were using download secure files task to download the cert files. As below described: see here for more information.
Once downloaded, use the name value that is set on the task (or "Reference name" in the classic editor) to reference the path to the secure file on the agent machine. For example, if the task is given the name mySecureFile, its path can be referenced in the pipeline as $(mySecureFile.secureFilePath)
. Alternatively, downloaded secure files can be found in the directory given by $(Agent.TempDirectory)
The secure files are downloaded to directory $(Agent.TempDirectory)
and its path can be referenced by $(mySecureFile.secureFilePath)
if you set the reference name to mySecureFile
So that the copy files task of yours need to be configured as below: Set the Source Folder to $(Agent.TempDirectory)
and Contents to the name of the secure files. See below example:
You can also set the Contents to $(certFile.secureFilePath)
if you set the Reference name of above download secure file tasks to certFile
and provisionFile
More conveniently you can use download secure files task directly in release pipeline to download the cert files.
Then the secure files will be available in release pipeline, and can be referenced just like in the build pipeline.