What do I want to achieve
I want to update my current view based on an Id. So say that I have side navigation with the following tabs:
- Customer A
- Customer B
- Customer C
What I want is that the user can click on Customer A and that the current customer view gets updated based on the Customer Id.
What is my problem achieving this
I thought the best way to solve this issue was to navigate to the page and provide the Id directly as follows:
router.navigateToRoute("customer", { currentCustomerId });
Then on the Customer page I am receiving the Id in the activate method as following:
public activate(params) {
this.currrentCustomerId = params.currentCustomerId;
Actually, this is working the first time you navigate to a customer. But when I am clicking on another Customer page, the view does not get updated because the activate method does not get triggered for a second time. It is only working if I navigate to another page (not customer page) and go back or simply refresh the whole page.
So what can I use to achieve what I want? I reckon that I have to use something else than activate()?
I appreciate it if someone could give me some insight into this issue.