Looking for an answer on how to configure NHibernate to support my scenario, an many-to-many map with an objectified relation.
I have a colection of Person:s with relations to other Person:s. Each of the relations have an attribute specifying what type of relation they have. In an RDB this is done by using a many-to-many table with the relation type specified in that table, model can then be extended by allowing more types, e.g. "close-friend" and "arch-enemy".
I would like to be able either to query a Person object to return all related Persons by type
<IList>Person myEnemies = myPerson.getRelatedPersons(relationType.Enemy)
<IList>Person myFriends = myPerson.getRelatedPersons(relationType.Friend)
Another (less extensible) solution would be to statically in the class specify what other relations exist:
public class Person
public virtual int Id { get; private set; }
public virtual string FirstName { get; set; }
public virtual string LastName { get; set; }
public virtual IList<Person> Friends { get; set; }
public virtual IList<Person> Enemies { get; set; }
Right now I have to use a legacy database with a "Person" table as well as a "PersonPerson" table. The "PersonPerson" table holds the relation type as an integer.
I've trying to do this using syntax like below without success this far...
// How to specify type=1 here?
HasManyToMany(x => x.Friends).WithTableName("Person_Person");
// How to specify type=2 here?
HasManyToMany(x => x.Enemies).WithTableName("Person_Person");
Any tips/solution on mapping this with (fluent) NHibernate?