for simplification, let's assume following script to create a simple regression table:
sysuse auto
eststo clear
qui regress price weight mpg
esttab using "table.rtf", cells(t) mtitles onecell nogap ///
stats(N, labels("Observations")) label ///
compress replace
eststo clear
Weight (lbs.) 2.723238
Mileage (mpg) -.5746808
Constant .541018
Observations 74
Would it be possible to mark every t-value above 0.5 or below 0.5 with an asterisk? (= greater than absolute value 0.5) Please note: In the specific application case, I can't work with given p-values, and need a custom solution that works with thresholds of t.
Desired outcome:
Weight (lbs.) 2.723238*
Mileage (mpg) -.5746808*
Constant .541018*
Observations 74
Crossposting can be found here:
Thank you for your help!