I am running Apache Kafka on my Windows machine with two Kafka-Connect-Workers(Port 8083, 8084) and one topic with three partitions(replication of one). My issue is that I am able to see the fail-over to other Kafka-Connect worker whenever I shutdown one of them, but load balancing is not happening because the number of tasks is always ONE. I am using Official MongoDB-Kafka-Connector as Source(ChangeStream) with tasks.max=6. I tried updating MongoDB with multiple threads so that it could push more data into Kafka-Connect and may perhaps make Kafka-Connect create more tasks. Even under higher volume of data, tasks count remain one.
How I confirmed only one task is running? That's through the api "http://localhost:8083/connectors/mongodb-connector/status" :
"connector": {
"tasks": [
"id": 0,
"state": "RUNNING"
"worker_id": "xx.xx.xx.xx:8083"
"type": "source"
Am I missing something here? Why more tasks are not created?