I have a task and I don't know how to start that.picture
So I have to calculate the working time passed between these two date. I know the NETWORKDAYS but it calculates the working days.
So my overall challenge is how to calculate only the working hours in only the working days. So to add something to the working hours the hours must be between 9 am (9:00) and 5 pm (17:00) and that day should be a workday. I also have to decide which day actually a workday for example July 3. was a not workday so I should not calculate. How to add these dates to the function or script? Moreover, I want to add more workdays eg. if there is an extra Saturday working day.
How to start this with Excel functions or with macros, is there any guide for this? Calculate minutes won't be necessary.
Eg: A case arrive in 2020.06.29. 5:00 (dawn) And the finish date is 2020.07.13 14:00
It's 4days = 4*8h = 32h (Because the table knows that Friday was not a working day) (from 9 am - 5 pm) plus from 9 am to 2 pm its 5 hours So overall work time passed from the above date is: 37 hours
Please give me some points in this function or VBA code or some idea?
you can customize the holidays you use and define the weekends. You can build a table of holidays and refer to that table. – Darrell H