
I have a T1 table with column release. And t2 table with columns release and date.

I want to write a dax measure in a way that it return true when I get matching value in t2 table with date filter applied on T2.

Here is my sample data, I wanna get lookupvalue column with "Y" only when I have release in table t2 with date filter April2020 applied to t2. Also note that the date April 2020 is coming from sclicer so we cannot hardcode it. So we need a calculated measure not calculated column for this.

Can anyone help me in writing a dax measure for this.enter image description here

Can you show some sample data and the output that you are looking for?balaji
Thanks Balaji for offering help, I have updated the sample data. Please help.Prerna Mishra
You mean the date filter that is coming from slicer will be current month?balaji
It can be any month, current month previous month or in between any month... Depends on what users wanna seePrerna Mishra

1 Answers


Given these tables below that are related to each other by "Release" Column.

enter image description here

You can create a measure using Relatedtable() and SelectedValue() like below:

Here Release Date is coming from slicer.

enter image description here