
I'm have a query that returns the following columns:


I have a combobox where all of this info is displayed in the dropdown. But when I select a row, all I see in the combobox is the Code (its an employee number). What I'd like to do is display:

"[Code] - [LastName], [FirstName]"

as the selected item when a value is selected, and still store just the [Code] in the combobox's .Value property.

How is this done? I'm used to C#.NET where a dropdown has 2 properties (displayValue and selectedValue).


4 Answers


1. In this method you won't be able to have the formatting (dash or comma):

Set the column count to 3.
Set the Bound column to 1 (it's one-based, even though the .Column property is zero-based).
Adjust column widths to a pleasing arrangement.
Set RowSourceType to "Table/Query".
Set RowSource to your query.
Do not set a Control Source (leave blank--this leaves the .Value unbound from underlying data).

You can do all the above in Design View.

2. This method is more work, but gets exactly what you asked for:

In Design View:
Set column count to 2.
Set Bound Column to 1,
SetColumn Widths to 0";2" (accepts inches or cm, and if you just enter undecorated numbers will read them as inches (or as set in Options(?))).
Set RowSourceType to "Value List".
Do not set a Control Source (leave blank--this leaves the .Value unbound from underlying data).

Write this code:

Private Sub Form_Load()

'declare variables & open query as recordset--left as exercise

    With Combo1
        Do Until rs.EOF
            .AddItem rs.Code & ";" & rs!Code & " - " & rs!LastName & ", " & rs!FirstName
    End With

    'close rs & clean up--another exercise

End Sub

The semicolon between the rs!Code instances in the string concatenation is what points them into the appropriate columns.


The following might help to add information to the combo box with 3 columns. Note that the column widths at the bottom is used to "hide" the first column

For x = 1 To 10
    ComboBox1.ColumnCount = 3
    With ComboBox1
        .AddItem "Code"                          ' Column 1 data
        .List(.ListCount - 1, 1) = "LastName"    ' Column 2 data
        .List(.ListCount - 1, 2) = "FirstName"   ' Column 3 data
    End With
    ComboBox1.ColumnWidths = "0cm;2.5cm;2.0cm"

Hope this helps


DisplayString = code & " - " & Lastname & ", " & Firstname
ComboBox1.ColumnCount = 2
With ComboBox1
    .AddItem "Code"                             ' Column 1 data
    .List(.ListCount - 1, 1) = DisplayString    ' Column 2 data
End With

ComboBox1.ColumnWidths = "0cm;4.5cm;"

In the BeforeUpdate event (there might be a better one, that's just what I tested on), set the .Text property to the string you want.

Me.ComboBox1.Text = [Code] & " - " & [LastName] & ", " & [FirstName]

Note that you may have to play with the string construction.


I have it working the way I want now. Here's what I did:

-Did the concat in the sql, so the query returns columns [Code] and [DisplayName]. -Bound = 1, Columns = 2, Column Widths = 0:1"

Now the display value is what I specified in my SQL and the selected value (tested and confirmed) is just the code.

Thanks for the help, I'm not well versed in Access vba.