
I have done an install of Delphi 10.4 Sydney on a machine with a clean Windows 10, accepting all the defaults. Yet the Android SDK clearly is not installed properly.

At a minimum Missing Directories: \android-29 & \29.0.3



I have reinstalled the SDK but no change.

Can anyone help with the SDK install.

How did you reinstall the SDK? Did you use the Additional Options tabsheet on the Platform Manager?nolaspeaker
This would be a question more suitable to ask at Idera support, as it's related to your Delphi installation.Ken White
Reinstall: on Compile Delphi will notify that the SDK is not installed and offer to install through the platform manager. I have tried to contact Embarcadero. / Idera Support. nothing back yet. if they advise the issue I will post here. Since this was an install on a brand new machine, i was interested to know if others have encountered this problem and found a solution.user5720756
This problem has been there for a while and not yet been fixed. I suggest you use the Additional Options tabsheet on the Platform Manger to install the SDK.nolaspeaker

3 Answers


This is what I found. The problem results from not selecting the option to also install AdoptOpenJDK. (I had the Oracle version installed) Once I Uninstalled Delphi removed the Oracle JDK, and reinstalled including AdoptOpenJDK the Automatic install of the Android SDK worked.


You must install the platforms and other requirements separately. Use SDKManager.exe in SDK folder to install them. You can select which package you want to download by selecting the checkbox and then click Install to install those packages. By default SDK Manager keeps it up to date with latest APIs and other packages.

See this source for more information: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/android/android_sdk_manager.htm

Note that you can use different platforms and build-tools but sometimes this is not possible.


I installed RAD Studio Enterprise, only Delphi (all platforms), not C++. I also installed:

  • Samples
  • Help
  • AdoptOpenJDK
  • Android SDK 25.2.5 - NDK r21

In Delphi, there were warning icons on the following:

Tools | Options | Deployment | SDK Manager | Android SDK ... | Properties
* SDK  - ZipAlign location
* SDK  - Adb location
* SDK  - Aapt location
* SDK  - SDK API-Level location
* Java - KeyTool location
* Java - Jarsigner location

To fix the Java issues, use Tools | Manage Platforms | Additional Options to remove both AdoptOpenJDK and the Android SDK. Then used it again to install both.

To fix the SDK issues, browse to the folder where the Android SDK was installed (look at SDK - SDK base path under the SDK Manager for Android). For me the path is:


Run SDK Manager.exe to launch the Android SDK Manager application. For me, 16 packages were pre-selected, including rev 29 tools (which is the path that was in SDK API-Level location). The Google Play options under Android R wouldn't install because their download size didn't match the expected download size. So I removed Android R support. The others worked just fine.

Note: There is a SDK Readme.txt in the same folder that has some useful information. The readme mentions a command you can run from a command prompt (tools\android.bat update sdk --no-ui), which I ran. That installed support for several other versions of Android. Be sure to run it from the SDK folder, not the tools sub-folder.

Everything works now.