
I have some issue with my ADF Salesforce connetor. Did anybody have it?

Operation on target Copy data1 failed: Failure happened on 'Sink' side. ErrorCode=UserErrorSalesforceOperationFailed,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=[BatchFailure]JobId:7503B000005V9v5QAC, BatchId:7513B000006IF3pQAG, Message:InvalidBatch : Field name not found : ConnectionReceivedId,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Runtime.SalesforceConnector,'

Sounds like field mappings are off or maybe your user doesn't have permission to see/edit all mapped fields. Unix vs Windows newline mess? If you go to SF -> Setup -> Bulk Data Load Jobs do you see better error msg? Maybe it'd even contain the CSV/JSON/XML files ADF tried to load so you could grab them, see if they're malformed, do they load ok in plain old Data Loader...eyescream
<error xmlns="force.com/2009/06/asyncapi/dataload"> <exceptionCode>InvalidBatch</exceptionCode> <exceptionMessage>Records not processed</exceptionMessage> </error>Radosław Mikołajczyk
I have something like thisRadosław Mikołajczyk
It seems like Azure is adding one field called 'ConnectionReceivedId' and it is not recognized by Salesforce :/ Any idea?Radosław Mikołajczyk
ConnectionReceivedId gets added in the SF tables if "Salesforce to Salesforce" feature is enabled. developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/…. See if you can edit the mapping to just not map to this field? Maybe somebody copy-pasted the ADF job definition from another SF org and for you best would be to start fresh?eyescream

1 Answers


Congratulations that you figured it out:

" I figured it out! Some of fields were not allowed to add. After deletion in mapping section everything works fine"

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